On the Ground: Check-in

FTE Events and Activities Schedule

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FTE CEO Update – our bold vision for 2025 and how we can innovate together through FTE’s unique portfolio

Access IS promotes face-up bar code scanning

Access IS promotes face-up bar code scanning

Whether your ticket is read face-up or face-down by the scanner can have a significant impact on how long passengers are kept waiting. There have been successful trials to present them on mobile phones and personal digital organisers (PDAs) – a trend that may grow. This variety of media makes accurate, first-pass scanning harder and […]

Future Travel Experience World Innovation Summit

13–15 May 2025, Pittsburgh

A worldwide summit uniting inventive minds to tackle aviation’s biggest challenges, explore PIT’s Terminal Modernization, and uncover the city’s vibrant tech and innovation landscape.

Future Travel Experience Ancillary

10-12 June 2025, Dublin

Empowering the airline sector to profit from collaborative digital retailing opportunities at every step of the journey

Future Travel Experience Ancillary

10-12 June 2025, Dublin

Empowering the airline sector to profit from collaborative digital retailing opportunities at every step of the journey

APEX Future Travel Experience EMEA

10-12 June 2025, Dublin

A gathering of air transport’s digital and innovation leaders, creative designers and progressive minds who will inspire one another and reimagine travel together.

Future Travel Experience Global

09-11 Sep 2025, California

Where the world's most progressive travel facilitators define tomorrow’s end-to-end passenger experience

Future Travel Experience APEX Asia EXPO

11-12 November 2025, Singapore

Connecting vendors with airline and airport executives to transform tomorrow’s end-to-end passenger journey across Asia-Pacific

Death of the kiosk?

Death of the kiosk?

Airports are at the cusp of a mobile check-in revolution, as new ways to check-in are being developed and trialled using the latest in mobile technology. With online check-in already popular, the convenience factor that allows passengers to check-in before they arrive at the airport has implications for the airport kiosk. According to industry experts, […]

SAS introduces Biometric Check-in

SAS introduces Biometric Check-in

SAS Scandinavian Airlines has established a number of record-breaking innovations, ranging from being the first airline to introduce inflight entertainment to offering separate check-in lounges. plus introducing sleeper seats and flying directly over the North Pole. More recently, a novel fingerprint-based biometric security solution used by SAS and provided by Precise Solutions has been implemented […]

Montréal’s self-service generation

Montréal’s self-service generation

While Canadian airports allow self-tagging for domestic flights only, and the US is still looking into implanting self-tagging services, Aéroports de Montréal has pushed ahead, installing more than 70 self-service kiosks, which also facilitate self-tagging. Antoine Rostworowski director business development, Aéroports de Montréal and Mark Stokes, director of IT at Brock Solutions, discuss the numerous […]

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