The FTE Baggage Innovation Working Group (BIWG) is an unparalleled community, providing invaluable opportunities for knowledge-sharing, business development, networking and fun. The next in-person BIWG members’ meeting takes place in Pittsburgh on 14 May 2024, alongside the FTE Aviation & Robotics Summit, and includes an exclusive tour of Pittsburgh International Airport’s (PIT) baggage system.
Upcoming BIWG members-only meetings include:
- 14 May 2024 FTE Baggage Innovation Working Group members-only in-person meeting in Pittsburgh hosted by PIT. Content plans: Pittsburgh International Airport baggage system tour & presentation, autonomous operations and robotics, Proof of Concept updates.
- 11 June 2024 FTE Baggage Innovation Working Group members-only in-person meeting in Dublin hosted by Dublin Airport. Content plans: Dublin Airport presentation, Proof of Concept updates, innovations for delivering a successful summer.
Oslo Airport baggage tour: “A full ‘front row’ demonstration with a walk through the system”

The Pittsburgh meeting is followed by another in-person BIWG meeting in Dublin on 11 June 2024, alongside the co-located FTE EMEA and FTE Ancillary & Retailing events, which will be preceded by an exclusive visit to Oslo Airport. In Oslo, Avinor will demonstrate the results of its long-time strategy of a new baggage handling system design, developed in collaboration with BEUMER Group – a Strategic Partner of the BIWG.
“By inviting this level of knowledgeable group of people from the industry, we also hope to invite some future next step ideas from the participants,” says Idar Sørgjerd, Department Manager, BHS, Tech & Op. Excellence, Avinor and a BIWG Captain. “When procuring this type of system from BEUMER, we also introduce a risk with new principles and technology. By involving more knowledgeable people, we will also open up for critical questions and comments, hopefully enabling further developments which will benefit the industry.”
Participants will be able to see the full system. As the complete system is still undergoing substantial testing, according to Avinor’s ORAT process, Oslo Airport will schedule a ‘test flight’ enabling demonstration of the full functionality of the system. “The visitors will receive a full ‘front row’ demonstration with a walk through the system,” Sørgjerd explains. “We will end up in our test centre where there is a full-scale loadcell installed. This area will by mid-summer be upgraded with a new installation from Vanderlande [an Airport Lab Network Partner of the BIWG], introducing the Proof of Concept of our next strategic step towards full automation, including AGV for ULD/dolly transport and a loading robot for loading. This area is planned to be completed and run with live bags by the end of this year.”
Avinor strongly believes that pushing these types of developments and designs will bring a more reliable, cost-effective and efficient future for all members of the value chain. “For the suppliers we would like to state the message of cooperation,” Sørgjerd adds. “The triangle with airports, suppliers and airlines can together push the developments and barriers for future developments, and we need to continue our developments towards a more reliable and efficient future.”
Learn more about the FTE Baggage Innovation Working Group >>