Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and KLM have started a trial of biometric boarding, which enables passengers to board their flight without showing their boarding pass or passport. Instead, passengers board the aircraft using a special gate that makes use of facial recognition technology.
Schiphol and KLM will test the accuracy of the technology and the ultimate aim is to make the boarding process as quick and easy as possible. The test will last a minimum of three months and will take place at a specially selected gate at the airport.
Boarding with facial recognition will require passengers to register first. A special registration kiosk has been added in the waiting area near the gate, and KLM staff will be on hand to offer assistance.
The registration process involves scanning the passport, the boarding pass, and the passenger’s face. In the interest of privacy, the data will be used only for the test. Following boarding, all personal data will be erased, and all data stored in the registration kiosk will be erased after ten hours.
The project forms part of Schiphol’s strategy to become the “leading digital airport” by 2018.