Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and KLM are working together to test two new scanning devices for hand baggage, which allow passengers to leave their liquids and laptops in their bags.
The 3D scanning devices enable security staff to explore highly detailed 3D, 360-degree images of the baggage contents on a screen. The pilot project is taking place in two security lanes – one in Departure Hall 3 and one in Transfer Filter E/F.
Passengers will still have to put their liquids and gels in a resealable plastic bag and the 100ml limit per item will remain in place, but they will be able to leave the plastic bag in their hand luggage.
As well as testing the viability of the technology, the pilot will explore whether the implementation of the 3D scanners can help to make the security process faster for passengers. If the trials prove to be a success, Schiphol will install the hand baggage scanning devices in all 67 security lanes across the airport.
Schiphol says it is “working continuously to improve the security process, with the aim of making the security check more pleasant and more comfortable for passengers and ensuring a safe and efficient security process at the airport”.