Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL) has rolled out its new app as a way for passengers to easily access the most important information when they are travelling from Bengaluru International Airport.
The airport has been working with ThoughtWorks to decide the key features to include in the app. It comes as part of Bengaluru Airport’s efforts to digitally transform the passenger experience in the terminal.
‘BLR Airport’ allows users to get real-time flight information, navigate with Google Indoor Maps, use one-touch Wi-Fi connect with Android devices, receive notifications based on their location, access the Must Try and Must Buy service for F&B and retail, and provide feedback about their experience. It is available now on iOS through the App Store or Android through Google Play.
Managing Director at BIAL, Sanjay Reddy, said: “At BIAL, our aim is to transform our customers’ airport experience. Every new digital introduction will combine innovation and emotion, because we strongly believe that digital is more than just technology.
“The BLR Airport app is an example of how we are leveraging technology to make travel through the airport simple and easy. As we move forward, our concerted efforts will be in introducing innovative and interactive digital solutions that will create value for our customers.”
Sudhir Tiwari, Managing Director at ThoughtWorks, said: “ThoughtWorks is proud to be associated with Bangalore International Airport Limited in delivering on their vision of a Smart Airport using digital touch points for making the passenger journey a naturally easy experience. Through continuous collaboration with BIAL, we designed and delivered a highly sophisticated and scalable platform, with context aware iOS and Android apps, that enables a high quality experience for passengers.
“We are truly excited about the next few releases where we would be building some interesting features on the platform that adds more value to the passengers, airports and their partners.”