Etihad Airways has invested in an end-to-end baggage tracking system, ensuring it is well prepared for IATA’s Resolution 753, which will come into effect in June 2018.
Resolution 753 states that IATA members shall be able to demonstrate delivery of baggage when custody changes, demonstrate acquisition of baggage when custody changes, provide an inventory of bags upon departure of a flight, and be capable of exchanging these events with other airlines as needed.
Referring to the investment in the cloud-based BagJourney service, Robert Webb, Etihad Airways’ Chief Information and Technology Officer, said: “We are always looking for ways to improve the guest experience, and we know that delayed luggage is a major pain point.”
Investment in the baggage tracking service will enable these improvements by allowing the airline to “follow guests’ bags through every stage of their travels, which helps reduce mishandling and delays”, he added.
Outlining the benefits of Resolution 753 to FTE in January, Andrew Price, IATA’s Head of Airport Operations, said: “Good baggage tracking allows you to know where bags are prior to departure, so proactive action can be taken to retrieve those bags and ensure they make their connections.
“Without this information you just wait until build close and hope that the bag arrives. Even when this proactive approach is not possible, then being able to provide further information to the passenger about their baggage journey improves customer service.”