Airports Authority of India (AAI) has selected SITA to provide the baggage reconciliation system for 38 airports across India. BagManager, which delivers real-time information on baggage status and helps airports resolve baggage issues more efficiently, will be rolled out after AAI signed a seven-year deal with the supplier.
Meanwhile, SITA’s AirportConnect Open passenger processing platform is now installed in a total of 25 Indian airports. The 730 workstations are based on IATA’s Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE), Common Use Passenger Processing System (CUPPS) and Common Use Self Service (CUSS) standards, which enables airlines across the airports to share infrastructure.
Sudhir Raheja, Chairman, Airports Authority of India, said: “Our airport modernisation programme is designed to provide better service both for passengers and airlines alike as air travel in India continues to grow. With passenger numbers expected to reach 450 million by 2020, we need to ensure we are operating as efficiently as possible.
“SITA’s baggage systems, common use technology, and self-service check in kiosks are flexible, convenient and will help establish a firm foundation for future growth.”
Maneesh Jaikrishna, Vice President, India and Sub-Continent, SITA, said: “The Indian aviation industry is experiencing significant growth, and we are delighted to help facilitate the Airports Authority of India’s modernisation and expansion programme. SITA now provides services at more than 95% of AAI’s passenger airports, and we look forward to continuing to work together to enhance the experience at AAI airports for both passengers and airlines.”