New self-service boarding pass scanners will help increase the passenger experience for travellers at Copenhagen Airport. They will replace manual boarding pass checks in order to save time and stress for passengers.
“Our passenger interviews show that self-service travellers are satisfied travellers,” said Johnnie Müller, Head of Security at Copenhagen Airport. “Today, 75% of passengers check-in online, at airport kiosks or by mobile phone. For this reason, we are convinced that passengers will welcome the new e-gates, which will make it even easier for them to make their way through the airport.”
Passengers self-scan their boarding passes at the e-gate, which then grants them access to the security screening area. The gates are capable of reading both hard-copy boarding passes and digital copies on mobile phones.
“The new e-gates will increase our capacity at security, as we will go from the four desks we have now to six e-gates, which will make it even faster and easier to get through the necessary security check,” said Müller.
Two manned desks will remain open to assist passengers with children or reduced mobility, as well as the two express lanes used by CPH Express customers.