Finavia has opened a new Design Gallery at Helsinki Airport, where passengers can relax and enjoy an interactive exhibition.
The gallery features images of Finnish design products printed on fabric, and also includes a design camp where passengers can relax while they wait for their flight. This is the latest initiative in Finavia’s Art Port Gallery project.
The exhibition is located in a white tent in the terminal building and as well as the works of art, it includes the sounds of Finnish nature – including snow crunching underfoot, waves lapping at the shore and birds singing – and a large window which offers views of the sunset. Visitors are also invited to write their thoughts on pieces of paper in the gallery.
Airport Director Ville Haapasaari said: “This exhibition, like the others, gives passengers a change to participate. They listen, see and write.”
Anna Forsman from Huippu Concept, who was responsible for planning the exhibition, said: “After the first design exhibition I wanted to find an exhibition that would fit in the airport environment even better. This exhibition does not include the typical presentation of design products. Instead it concentrates on delivering feelings and experiences through design, but without forgetting the Finnish sense of humour.”
» More information can be found here.