The world’s airports are turning to mobile apps, social media and geolocation services to improve the passenger experience, according to the 9th SITA Airport IT Trends Survey.
A key finding from the annual survey – which is carried out in collaboration with Airports Council International (ACI) – is that improving the passenger experience is the number one driver of IT investment for 59% of airports. The findings of the survey also point towards a rapid increase in mobile and social media apps being used to deliver a more personalised customer experience. Keeping passengers informed about their flight status and wait times is the top reason for airports providing mobile apps, with 88% planning to invest in them by the end of 2015. Over the same period, 78% of airports also plan to invest in social media.
Half of the airports surveyed see geolocation as a top priority for reducing passenger congestion. At present, just 10% of airports offer wayfinding services on mobile devices, but this is set to rise to 70% over the next three years.
Airports are also investing in business intelligence solutions to deliver an improved passenger experience. Some 86% of airports see it as a priority for sharing information and collaborating with partners; 83% to ensure more accurate service information for passengers; and 76% to reduce flight delays due to ground operational issues.
Francesco Violante, CEO, SITA, said: “This year’s Airport IT Trends Survey shows that operators are investing in the ‘intelligent airport’ to improve the passenger experience in an operationally efficient manner. With airports planning to invest in business intelligence, and using it to better collaborate with partners, it is clear that there is a strong desire among operators to work together with stakeholders, including airlines and ground handlers, to create a better passenger journey.”