Liverpool John Lennon Airport’s new ‘myLJLA’ app allows passengers to pay for car parking, fast track through to the departure lounge and gain access to the premium lounge. The app, which has been developed for Android and Apple devices, makes use of the ‘m:Cypher’ system to allow for secure payments.
The app also provides real-time information on flights, shopping, car parking and other airport facilities, as well as access to games, promotional offers and social networking.
“The Liverpool John Lennon Airport app will allow our passengers to begin their travel experience from the minute they book and will keep them fully-informed wherever they are,” said Katie Elliott, Head of Marketing, Peel Airports.
“It’s part of our strategy to grow our business in partnership with the passengers and the airlines for us to become a leader in e-commerce.”
Click here for more information.
Future Travel Experience 2012 will include an ‘Unconference’ session on Mobile Technology, focusing on mobile check-in and boarding, roving agents using mobile devices, apps, mobile websites and NFC.