St John’s International Airport in Newfoundland, Canada, has adopted Ultra Electronics’ UltraCUSE Enterprise system, making it the first airport in the country to adopt a Common Use Passenger Processing System (CUPPS). The system makes use of VMware technology and it will serve 46 check-in and gate positions at the airport.
Ultra’s technology is integrated with the existing virtualised server environment to enable the flexible provisioning of gates and check-in positions so they can be shared among the airlines. The deployment of the fully virtualised client/server solution will provide a variety of efficiencies and advantages including lower energy costs, improved maintenance and less dependency on traditional PCs.
Dale Kirby, Vice President and General Manager of Ultra Electronics, Airport Systems Americas, said: “We have provided a CUPPS solution that is specifically tailored to the SJIA (St John’s International Airport) environment. Our approach to this project is in complete alignment with other technology initiatives at St John’s, such as a virtualised server infrastructure, deployment of thin-clients and integration with a new VoIP telephone system to provide a unified communications platform.”