Christchurch International Airport is the latest airport to have launched a dedicated mobile website – becoming the first airport in New Zealand to do so.
The website – flychc.co.nz – offers users a simplified homepage for easy navigation on the go and provides flight information, airport maps and parking information. It also features a backup emergency homepage for information on flight cancellations and airport disruption.
“As an increasing number of travellers are using their mobile devices to access our website, we wanted to give them the best experience,” said Christchurch Airport Marketing Manager Jade Reeves. “At the moment, ten percent of our website visitors are accessing the website from mobile devices, so we’re delivering people the information they want, how they want it.”
The introduction of a mobile website is the latest stage of Christchurch Airport’s dedication to improving the passenger experience, which has also seen the introduction of a unique Sensory Arrivals Experience.