Tagged: Boarding Pass

NFC-enabled mobile phones – the future of the check-in process?

NFC-enabled mobile phones – the future of the check-in process?

When it comes to check-in and boarding, for the airline, the airport and the passenger, the general rule is: the simpler, the better. The bar coded boarding pass is currently the standard used by more than 200 airlines globally, but with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology being increasingly explored as a potential alternative, just how […]

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The fully mobilized passenger

The fully mobilized passenger

The evidence suggests mobile will become the dominant form of check-in. Sales of internet-ready Smart Phone devices continue to grow at a significant pace – around 30% year-on-year. Meanwhile, major online players – such as Google and Yahoo Microsoft – are investing significant resources in developing and improving their mobile web offerings. Ross Falconer reports.

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