Tagged: Biometrics

SAS biometric success

SAS biometric success

Almost two years after SAS became the first airline to introduce biometric check-in, its success across the domestic market has prompted the carrier to discuss a further roll-out across its international routes. Louise Driscoll looks at the progress that the airline has made with its biometric solution.

JAL innovative boarding system

JAL innovative boarding system

Japan Airlines (JAL) participated in evaluation testing of ‘e-airport procedures: SPT Trial 2007’, which was implemented by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MLIT) and Ministry of Justice (MoJ). The airline is implementing a number of innovations to simplify the travel experience. Ross Falconer reports.

SAS introduces Biometric Check-in

SAS introduces Biometric Check-in

SAS Scandinavian Airlines has established a number of record-breaking innovations, ranging from being the first airline to introduce inflight entertainment to offering separate check-in lounges. plus introducing sleeper seats and flying directly over the North Pole. More recently, a novel fingerprint-based biometric security solution used by SAS and provided by Precise Solutions has been implemented […]

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