FTE World Ancillary & Retailing Working Group
Open to all and free to join for all relevant industry stakeholders

Join the Working Group

Inaugural Partner

As part of Future Travel Experience’s commitment to the continuous growth of the FTE World Airport Retailing Working Group, we are thrilled to announce its rebranding to the FTE World Ancillary & Retailing Working Group. This new identity reflects our broadened focus and commitment to inclusivity, now extending our platform to all relevant industry stakeholders, including airlines. We firmly believe that by working collaboratively as a sector and leveraging technology, innovative approaches, and new business models, we can create a significantly larger revenue pie for everyone to share. This group has the potential to be a powerful platform for sharing ideas and learnings, accelerating our collective progress.

Join the FTE World Ancillary & Retailing Working Group – free to all relevant industry stakeholders
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As part of FTE’s commitment to the widest possible engagement, access to the FTE World Ancillary & Retailing Working Group is free to all relevant industry stakeholders and membership is growing rapidly, with over 400 executives as active members representing almost 100 airports, 100+ partners (concessionaires, consultancies, brands and tech companies) and 17 airlines.

They have joined to be part of this initiative that is providing a free platform – and building a community – where commercial leaders globally can network and share ideas, visions and learnings on how the industry can improve its commercial offerings, strategies and collaboration.

First FTE World Airport Retailing Working Group Captain:
Sammy Patel, VP Commercial, Vantage Airport Group

We are delighted that the first Captain for this landmark effort is Sammy Patel, Vice President Commercial, Vantage Airport Group & Chief Executive Officer, Midway Partnership. Sammy is a close friend of FTE and is already a member of our Ancillary & Retailing Advisory Board. He will play a key role in identifying trends and setting the tone for discussions, sharing his own views while encouraging others to impart their wisdom.

“I am excited to be supporting FTE’s newest initiative and lead the World Airport Retailing Working Group,” says Patel. “The FTE team continues to focus on driving positive change and innovation and bringing all stakeholders together to collaborate in exciting new ways. The Working Group provides a highly valuable industry platform to help drive significant industry change in the commercial space, and I am looking forward to collaborating with other airports, airlines, retailers, and brands from around the world, and sharing the global perspective, and experiences of Vantage Airport Group.”

Future-focused with a worldwide view

The Working Group will be heavily future-focused with a worldwide view, aiming to identify and act upon opportunities to deliver positive change in the airport commercial space in the years ahead. This effort will complement the work that is already being undertaken elsewhere in the industry, which often focuses on the here and now.

Importantly, as part of FTE’s commitment to the widest possible engagement, access to the Working Group will be free to all industry stakeholders.

What’s coming Up:

  • 30 Oct 2024 – Face-to-face members meeting in LA ahead of FTE Global getting underway that day
    Content plans: Retailing innovation in Los Angeles and exploring the utilisation of the Metaverse and other new technologies in travel retail.

In order to facilitate this important industry platform, we also encourage leading retailers, concessionaires, consultants and brands to align themselves as Strategic Partners to show their industry-leading position and benefit from all the attention and progress this working group will generate.

To learn more contact us

Free to join for all relevant industry stakeholders

We are delighted to provide complimentary membership of the FTE World Airport Retailing Working Group to all relevant industry stakeholders.

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