Networking is once more at the heart of FTE APEX Virtual Expo and we have new tools to take engagement to the next level
We invite all attendees to use the following features to connect with the organisations that can help them redefine their passenger experience and business performance strategies.

When visiting the exhibition, click on the booth you are interested in. After looking through the resources, click ‘CHAT’ to enter the exhibitor’s dedicated chat room. Here, you can use the discussion forum to engage with everyone currently visiting the booth. Alternatively, click on a booth representative to message, call or video chat – no plug-ins or downloads required!

RESERVE A CHAT SLOT (Available during live days)
During the live days of the show itself there may be an occasion where you have attempted to chat with an exhibitor in the live chat room but there is not a representative available. Find ‘reserve a chat slot’ on their stand - use the schedule to reserve a time to chat with booth representatives. This feature will send both parties an email notification to confirm the meeting slot; after which both attendee and booth rep will then enter the chat room at the agreed time to talk.

SEND A MESSAGE TO AN EXHIBITOR (Available during the 30 days after the event)
Continue using the virtual event site in the 30 days it remains live. Explore all the companies showcasing their solutions and use the ‘Send Message’ feature to learn more. This generates an email to the exhibiting company from which you can continue correspondence.
Premium attendees will be able to take advantage of super-charged networking opportunities during the show to virtually connect with their fellow attendees. Features include:

NEW TO 2021! MEETING SYSTEM (Available 2 weeks prior to the live days)
With thousands of attendees expected once more across the two-day event, and with pressure on everyone’s time it’s imperative that participants work in advance of the show to schedule their own personalised agenda of meetings with exhibitors of interest. Our new meeting system will enable participants to schedule meetings with exhibitors’ weeks out from the show – once meetings are agreed both parties will be sent an e-mail confirmation that offers the ability to schedule the meeting in their outlook calendar.

EMBEDDED CHAT WIDGET (Available during live days)
The embedded chat widget will enable visitors to see who else is present on the platform and to meet and build partnerships with the most relevant, valuable contacts also in attendance. New partnerships, business deals, job roles or simply an independent opinion on a challenging issue – who knows what opportunities a short meeting with the right person could present. Select the ‘CHAT’ button on the left-hand side of your screen to chat with your fellow online attendees, just click to message, call or video chat. Open 24 hours a day you can engage with any other premium pass holder on the platform.

Premium pass holders will be able to specify their search preferences and the system will recommend people meeting that criteria. Premium attendees and exhibitors can then start conversations by sending messages to the recipients Virtual Expo mailbox.

Enabling Premium Pass holders, the flexibility of creating and labelling private chat rooms; these can be used to invite colleague into interesting discussions, or to allocate a topic in an open forum. Invite participants through the attendee directory or share private access links to encourage involvement. Those joining can interact through text, audio or video group chat.

Exhibitors will be able to feature a dedicated poster board on their stand, to accept frequently asked questions from interested parties. Questions can be managed by various team members and displayed in a curated manner for future visitors to the booth.

The Virtual Expo platform allows you to connect face-to-face, in real time, with exhibitors ready and waiting on your factory floor to showcase their solution, product or service.s of the event. Just like any video call, you will see and hear the exhibitors pitch/demonstration and ask questions suited to your area of interest.
Who can I expect to meet at Virtual Expo?
FTE and APEX events uniquely attract stakeholders representing every element of the end-to-end air travel journey. You can expect to meet airlines, airports, vendors, startups, OEMs, government agencies, destination partners and various other travel industry players.
For a full list of organisations who registered to attend the FTE APEX Virtual Expo 202 please click here:

Thank you to everyone who joined us at FTE APEX Virtual Expo 2021.
Let us know your feedback >> | Find out about the next FTE event >>
Industry messages of support
Future Travel Experience (FTE) and the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) will jointly host the industry trade show with the widest global attendance in 2021, FTE APEX Virtual Expo. Through a diverse exhibition showcasing the industry’s most forward thinking vendors and all-encompassing conference sessions, Virtual Expo will deliver a wealth of networking opportunities and inspiration across the most pertinent topics – from transforming the travel experience through digital health passports and automation at the airport, through to enhancing the onboard experience through inflight entertainment and connectivity, interiors, service and catering, hospitality and retail.