Tao Climate

Tao Climate

Carbon credits for business and personal CO2 offset. Science-based, data-driven, net zero solutions at scale. Sustainability, delivered fast.

Tao Climate Profile

We offer scalable, verifiable Carbon Credits (CCs) to the European aviation sector. Our technology enables the creation and verification of CCs and their real-time sale through channel partners. When you’re buying a plane ticket, offset your flight’s carbon emissions with us: cheaper, faster and better than legacy products. Carbon captured is sequestered in sustainable housing, so we share the value back with our customers. We turn carbon compliance from a sunk cost to a revenue generator.

Tao Climate’s vision is a sustainable future for everyone, free of the threat of climate change, using our technology to capture CO2 with industrial hemp, and delivering sustainable infrastructure and opportunities at a global scale.

Latest Event Spotlights

Latest Tao Climate News

World Aviation Festival Sustainability: The Greatest Story Ever Told

Deliver Aviation Sustainability with Tao Climate at the World Aviation Festival 2024 As the aviation industry faces growing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint, Tao...

20 September 2024 | 11:39 am

Hemp and the City: Tao Climate at the San Francisco XPRIZE Carbon Removal Capital Summit

Tao Climate Takes San Francisco by Storm, Proving Hemp Isn’t Just for Hippies Anymore The invitation to the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Capital Summit was not...

18 September 2024 | 4:18 pm

Industrial Hemp: A Green Solution for Achieving the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As we move toward a more sustainable future, industrial hemp emerges as a key player in helping achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals...

5 September 2024 | 9:44 am

Tao Climate Expands into USA, Joins Hemp Incubator Company Technology Accelerator

Hemp Incubator Company Launches Inaugural Cohort to Transform Hemp Technology Industry Dublin, Ireland – July 30, 2024 – Tao Climate‘s network expansion into the USA marks a...

1 August 2024 | 8:33 am

Tao Climate’s Vision of the Green Age of Aviation Gains Enterprise Ireland Support

Tao Climate, a pioneering force in the carbon management industry, introduces three game-changing products: Tao CX, Tao OPS, and Tao SAF, aimed at ushering in...

2 July 2024 | 5:03 pm

Charting the Flight Path to Sustainable Aviation: FTE EMEA Event Review, Dublin 2024

Insightful Aviation Passenger Experience Industry Gathering in Dublin The Future Travel Experience (FTE) EMEA event, held in Dublin from June 11 to June 13, 2024,...

18 June 2024 | 9:37 pm

Carbon as Opportunity: The New Passenger Sustainability Experience

Sustainability CX Delivered by Tao Climate The skies are clearing for the global aviation industry as Tao Climate took centre stage at the Future Travel...

17 June 2024 | 4:22 pm

Scaling New Heights: How Tao Climate is Leading the Charge in the Gigatonne Carbon Challenge

Explore how Tao Climate’s innovative strategies are paving the way for a sustainable future, as highlighted in XPRIZE’s latest groundbreaking report on carbon removal technologies...

8 May 2024 | 11:17 pm

The Enormous Job Creation Potential of Hemp Industries in Ireland and Globally

Hemp Can Significantly Impact UN SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth The global pivot towards sustainability has opened up exciting opportunities in emerging industries,...

7 May 2024 | 8:31 am