İGA Airport Operation has completed the final stage of the Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) trial before the opening of İstanbul New Airport on 29 October. The trial took place on 16 October and involved three Turkish Airlines planes and 3,000 people, who tested the operational flow of the airport.
The trial has been successfully completed with the participation of the stakeholders taking part in the airport’s operation process. Approximately 2,000 employees from public institutions as well as 9,000 baggage items were integrated in the process.
Within the scope of ORAT, which has been ongoing for over two years with the participation of experts from Copenhagen and Incheon airports, 1,000 faux passengers, 2,000 baggage items, two real planes from Turkish Airlines, and 50 people from Ground Service Equipment were used at the first trial organised in September.
‘One of the smartest airports in the world’

Earlier this month, İGA also established İGA Systems Company to provide the infrastructure for İstanbul New Airport, which will serve as a technology base to drive the airport’s ambitions to be one of the smartest airports in the world. İGA Systems will undertake the design, installation, integration, and implementation operations at İstanbul New Airport.
Ersin İnankul, General Manager of İGA Systems, said: “We have developed a whole range of software for the İstanbul New Airport from mobile applications to boost passenger satisfaction and airport security systems, to an airline messaging platform and a joint decision-making system.
“We are also working on current technological systems such as the first airport data centre in the world, the first virtual tower application in Turkey, domestic robots and unmanned passenger transfer vehicles. The domestic and national technologies we develop here are poised to set an example for all airports in the world.”
The aviation industry in Turkey is booming again and on 29 October 2018 İstanbul New Airport will open to the world. To commemorate this landmark development, Future Travel Experience will take its European & Ancillary shows to Istanbul, rebrand them as Future Travel Experience EMEA, and co-locate this with The New Airport Show Istanbul. With the official support of İGA and Turkish Airlines, these two outstanding events will collectively provide the perfect platform for industry stakeholders from across the world to come together to learn, network and collaborate. Taking place at the downtown Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Turkey’s most prestigious convention venue and the largest in Istanbul, the show is expected to attract 2,000+ international visitors and 150+ exhibitors.