We are delighted to announce that Aubrey Tiedt, Chief Customer Officer, Alitalia will participate in the ‘Up in the Air’ conference at Future Travel Experience Global 2015, which will take place in Las Vegas from 9th-11th September 2015.
Following Etihad Airways’ recent acquisition of a 49% stake in Alitalia, Tiedt, who was previously Etihad’s Vice President Guest Services, will deliver a presentation entitled: ‘How will the new Alitalia onboard experience be redefined, and how will its cabin crew be empowered to realise this vision?’
The full ‘Up in the Air’ conference agenda will be released in the coming weeks, but other already-confirmed highlights include keynote addresses by Virgin Galactic and Facebook’s Head of Travel, the launch of the FTE Onboard 2025 Think Tank, Cabin Connectivity Unleashed led by Runway Girl Network’s Mary Kirby, and the new FTE Collaboration Forum.
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