As part of the Future Travel Experience Year of Innovation, which marks the 10th anniversary of FTE, we today launch the ‘FTE Airline #PaxEx Power List 2015’ – an international initiative that will identify the 25 airline employees who are doing the most to drive passenger experience enhancement.
The FTE Airline #PaxEx Power List, which will include industry figures who are ultimately responsible for the passenger experience within their organisation, will be decided by a panel of independent judges that will take into account a number of factors when selecting the 25 most influential figures in the #PaxEx (passenger experience) space. As well as considering the impact that projects led by the individual have had on their airline’s overall passenger experience, the panel will take into account the extent to which the individual and airline have displayed fresh thinking to differentiate their end-to-end product offer, the extent to which these passenger experience enhancements have been achieved within budget constraints, and how passengers and staff have been empowered through the use of new technology both on the ground and up in the air.
Efforts taken to motivate staff, engage more effectively with customers, drive industry collaboration and ensure the airline’s brand reflects the region it represents will be considered, as will the consistency of the product and service offering across the board. The size of the airline and fleet, total passenger numbers and the scope of the projects in question will also be taken into account, recognising the fact that the more passengers you serve, the wider the potential reach of passenger-focused projects. Feedback from within the industry on who you feel is most deserving of this award will also be considered.
To recognise the contribution that each member of the FTE Airline #PaxEx Power List has made, and continues to make, to this industry, we will provide them with a ‘Golden Ticket’ to our flagship show, FTE Global 2015 (our 10th anniversary show in Las Vegas, 9-11 September), which will grant them complimentary access to the two conferences, exhibition and social programme to share their expertise, network with more than 600 industry peers and help define the next raft of passenger-focused enhancements for their organisation and the sector as a whole.
The judging process for the FTE Airline #PaxEx Power List 2015 will start very soon, but if you know of an airline employee that you feel deserves to be taken into consideration by the judges, please contact us to let us know.