With just a week-and-a-half to go until FTE Europe 2014, which will take place in London from 3-5 March, we are delighted to announce that Japan Airlines, an industry leader in terms of utilising mobile technology to improve the passenger experience, has been added to the agenda. Andrew Kenji Wang Fujiyama, Manager Planning Group Web Sales, will deliver a presentation entitled: ‘Harnessing mobile channels to truly elevate the travel experience’.
Andrew will be joined in the third working session by Cees de Vos, Director Innovation Outstations & Partnerships, Air France-KLM, and Knut Holen, Director of Terminal Operations, Oslo Airport.
» View the full FTE Europe 2014 conference agenda
» Register to attend FTE Europe 2014

The FTE Europe exhibition also continues to grow and CX Index has been added to the already impressive exhibitor list. The company uses innovative techniques to help businesses get the most from feedback in order to help them enhance their customer experience.
Also exhibiting at FTE Europe 2014 will be Access IS, AirPortr, ARINC, Atkins, Boon Edam, Damarel Systems, Four Winds Interactive, ICM, ICTS, Samsung, Kaba, NEC, SICK, SITA, Ink and Vision-Box.